Welcome to the Tennessee Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (TSITE.ORG)
The Tennessee Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (TSITE) is a professional organization of persons who are involved in the field of transportation and who share a common interest in improving the quality of the surface transportation system in Tennessee.
TSITE is the Tennessee Section of the Southern District of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (SDITE). TSITE includes individuals engaged as engineers, planners, technicians, administrators, academicians, researchers, sales representatives, and students in transportation fields in Tennessee.
The Southern District Institute of Transportation Engineers is an organization of state Sections in the southeastern United States. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE.org) is an international organization promoting the growth and development of the transportation profession all over the world. The Tennessee Section includes approximately 400 members, and ITE has approximately 16,000 members in more than 75 countries around the world.
TSITE meets quarterly in different parts of the State. TSITE encourages participation at the District and International level. To obtain International ITE membership information and applications, contact ITE at (202) 785-0060 or www.ite.org/membership/become-a-member/join-ite/.
Tennessee Section ITE Mission Statement
The mission of the Tennessee Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (TSITE) is the professional development and growth of the traffic and transportation industry, promoting safe and efficient flow of people, goods and services. TSITE will work diligently with the Southern District Institute of Transportation Engineers and International ITE to maintain and further enhance our professional organization by developing and supporting safe standards and sound guidelines for the practice of traffic and transportation engineering. In order to achieve this end, TSITE will grow its membership, contribute to the knowledge base by research and experience, promote the practice of traffic and transportation engineering, and actively engage young and talented professionals to pursue the challenges in transportation. By this pursuit, TSITE should establish itself as a strong ITE section and contribute to a stronger District and international organization.