2013 Scholarship/Student Awards

William L. Moore Jr. Scholarship – Amber Woodburn, UTK

During the Summer Meeting Awards Banquet TSITE awarded a total of $10,000 in scholarships to five deserving university students from across the State. The ceremony began with the presentation of a check from Steve Allen to TSITE for $2,000 as a donation raised from the annual John R. Harper Memorial Golf Tournament – special thanks to Steve and all the participants in that event!

The five scholarship award winners of $2,000 each were:

William L. Moore Jr. Scholarship – Amber Woodburn, UTK (pictured top left)

T. Darcy Sullivan Scholarship – Stephanie Hargrove, UTK
TSITE Undergraduate Scholarship – Peter Kozey, VU
TSITE Section Scholarship – Virginia Wise, UM (pictured bottom left)
John R. Harper Memorial Scholarship – Taekwan Yoon, UTK

Other awards were presented for the 2013 Student Paper Competition and the Student Chapter Award:

1st Place Student Paper ($500) – Hongtai Yang, UTK
2nd Place Student Paper ($250) – Virginia Wise, UM
3rd Place Student Paper ($100) – Jun Liu, UTK
Robert Stammer Student Chapter Award – U.T. Knoxville

TSITE Section Scholarship – Virginia Wise, UM

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