2013 Scholarship/Student Awards

William L. Moore Jr. Scholarship – Amber Woodburn, UTK

During the Summer Meeting Awards Banquet TSITE awarded a total of $10,000 in scholarships to five deserving university students from across the State. The ceremony began with the presentation of a check from Steve Allen to TSITE for $2,000 as a donation raised from the annual John R. Harper Memorial Golf Tournament – special thanks to Steve and all the participants in that event!

The five scholarship award winners of $2,000 each were:

William L. Moore Jr. Scholarship – Amber Woodburn, UTK (pictured top left)

T. Darcy Sullivan Scholarship – Stephanie Hargrove, UTK
TSITE Undergraduate Scholarship – Peter Kozey, VU
TSITE Section Scholarship – Virginia Wise, UM (pictured bottom left)
John R. Harper Memorial Scholarship – Taekwan Yoon, UTK

Other awards were presented for the 2013 Student Paper Competition and the Student Chapter Award:

1st Place Student Paper ($500) – Hongtai Yang, UTK
2nd Place Student Paper ($250) – Virginia Wise, UM
3rd Place Student Paper ($100) – Jun Liu, UTK
Robert Stammer Student Chapter Award – U.T. Knoxville

TSITE Section Scholarship – Virginia Wise, UM

2014 TSITE Officer Election Results

The following 2014 TSITE Officer Election winners were announced at the business meeting on Saturday, July 27th:

- John Hunter (CDM Smith)
Vice President
- Mike Conger (Knoxville Regional TPO)
- Brandon Baxter (Ragan-Smith Associates)
Section Representatives 
- Amy Burch (RPM Transportation Consultants)
- Brad Waldschmidt (Kimley-Horn & Associates)
Affiliate Director
- Greg Sheehan (Quality Traffic Systems)

U.T. 2nd Place at Bowl in Boston!

U.T. takes 2nd Place at Traffic Bowl Grand Championship in Boston!

TSITE is extremely proud of the University of Tennessee Traffic Bowl team for their 2nd Place finish at the Traffic Bowl Grand Championship at the recent International ITE Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. They missed first place by the narrowest of margins – losing to the University of Florida by only 1 point! The UT team first advanced in the preliminary round against competition from Wayne State University and University of Manitoba by coming from behind in the Final Jeopardy round as the only team to provide the correct “question” and then faced off against UF and Penn St. in the finals. The scores entering Final Jeopardy were: UF 3300, UT 1900 and Penn St. -100 and the final scores were: UF 3801 – UT 3800.

Congratulations to Bryan, Zane & Jianjiang and best of luck to them in their future endeavors! Bryan recently hired on with TDOT in their Region 1 Traffic Office, Zane expects to receive his MS Degree in December and Jianjiang is pursuing a PhD.


UT Students featured in ITE Connect!

University of Tennessee Students Stephanie Hargrove and Bryan Bartnik were recently featured in the ITE Connect.  To see the article they wrote titled “Top Five Reasons ITE is Invaluable to Transportation Students” please click here.

SDITE Traffic Bowl Winners!

The 2013 SDITE Traffic Bowl Winners! From Left to Right: Zane Pannell, Bryan Bartnik, and Jianjiang Yang.

Congratulations to the University of Tennessee for winning the 2013 SDITE traffic bowl in Charlotte, North Carolina!  After winning the traffic bowl at the TSITE section meeting in Knoxville, UT went on to represent TSITE at the district level and came back victorious!

Traffic Bowl Winners

The 2013 Traffic Bowl Winners! From Left to Right: TSITE President Jason Carder, Zane Pannell, Jianjiang Yang, Bryan Bartnik and Traffic Bowl Chair Greg Judy.

Congratulations to the University of Tennessee for winning this years traffic bowl at the winter meeting in Knoxville.   They will represent TSITE at the District Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.

2013 Meeting Schedule

Please mark your calendars for these important events in 2013!

TSITE Meeting Schedule:

SDITE Meeting:
  • SDITE Annual meeting: April 7-10, Charlotte, NC
ITE Meeting Schedule:
  • ITE Technical meeting: March 3-7, San Diego, CA
  • ITE Annual meeting: August 4-7, Boston, MA
ITS Meeting:
  • ITS American Annual meeting: April 22-24, Nashville

Chattanooga’s ITS signal system

Chattanooga’s ITS signal system mesh network was recently featured in the November 2012 issue of the ITE Journal.  The full article can be found here: Chattanooga’s ITS Signal System

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