TSITE Officer Election – Reminder to Vote

As we move towards ONE ITE there are two changes to our previous ballots.

• This year’s ballot does not include an Affiliate Director position since ITE has eliminated Section Affiliate Membership. ITE and the TN Section invites all section affiliates to join ITE for full membership. TSITE thanks the current and all past Affiliate Directors for their service and contribution to the organization in that role.

• All Sections of ITE will include two (2) Section Representatives beginning in 2020. With Terrance Hill and Lauren Gaines completing their terms we will only select one of the two terrific candidates on this year’s ballot. The elected member will serve with Steve Bryan as TSITE’s Section Representatives for 2020.

Online voting closes Monday July 29th so please cast your vote now. Votes will be tallied and the elected 2020 TSITE Officers will be announced at the Summer Meeting.

Please Vote Here.

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